

This page assumes that you are familiar with Hippo Baby Steps.

Basically, a new webapp (besides cms and site) is added, hctsite, an HCT-powered site showing some HCT features.

How to test

Grab your copy


  1. Download the zip archive
  2. Unzip the downloaded archive
  3. Move into the uncompressed folder


  1. Get your local copy of Hippo Cocoon Toolkit
    $ git clone git://github.com/Tirasa/HippoCocoonToolkit.git
    $ cd HippoCocoonToolkit
    $ git checkout hct-baby-steps

Build and run

  1. Build
    $ mvn clean package
  2. Run
    $ mvn -P cargo.run
  3. Enjoy your HCT website at http://localhost:8080/hctsite/

What you get

Folder-based repository traversal

Traverse your Hippo repository: on the left pane you will see the list of child folders, on the center area you will instead have a list of child documents, with title, summary and image (when available).

Multi-language content navigation

This test site is configured for showing everything in English by default: however, you can change the browsing language at any time by clicking on the desired flag.

Full-text search is performed by empowering native JCR-SQL2 query language.

On-the-fly PDF generation

PDF files can be generated upon request: just click on the PDF icon on the top right corner.

The actual content of each PDF file can be of course fine-tuned and customized: the content provided with this demo is just a bare sample!